AIX : To get a daemon to start when the system in rebooted.

you can follow the standard Sys V procedure of creating start/stop shell scripts in the /etc/rc.d/* directories. I created the following two scripts:
One moves the system from run level 2 to run level 3. The second, starts both Samba and Tomcat. All of the startup scripts we create run at run level 3. (That’s our convention, not a requirement.) The directory /etc/rc2.d/samples on most AIX systems has a README.txt file and some more sample start/stop scripts.

Script #1 – /etc/rc.d/rc2.d/Ssshd

# name: Ssshd
# purpose: script that will start or stop the sshd daemon.

case "$1" in
start )
startsrc -g ssh
stop )
stopsrc -g ssh
* )
echo "Usage: $0 (start | stop)"
exit 1

Script #2 – /etc/rc.d/rc2.d/Ksshd

# name: Ksshd
# purpose: script that will start or stop the sshd daemon.

case "$1" in
start )
startsrc -g ssh
stop )
stopsrc -g ssh
* )
echo "Usage: $0 (start | stop)"
exit 1

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